Plans for a new apartment building on Mill Road are creeping ahead after a developer received concept approval from the Colonie Planning Board Tuesday.
Plans for a two-story, six-unit apartment building at 1 Mill Road on a 1.25-acre plot were discussed with the Planning Board at its biweekly meeting Tuesday, May 23. The review consisted of addressing mostly minor problems with the developer.
The building would sit near the intersection of Mill Road and Route 7 (Troy-Schenectady Road). While waivers on the project will be approved or disapproved at a later date, Frank Fazio, representing the developer, said they are look for a waiver to have the building face Mill Road with its back to Route 7 in order to have more privacy for the residents. Parking for tenants would be in the rear, facing Route 7, and a stone wall would go up along the parking area, Fazio said.
Fazio added the stone wall would help create a sound barrier for the busy road behind the building.
The façade of the building would embody a Colonial/barn look, with a “country feel,” he said.
John Ennis, of 3 Mill Road, came with his wife, Jill, to the meeting to speak kindly about the developers and the project, something that is atypical for a Planning Board meeting.
“These gentlemen have taken over 1 Mill Road and it’s never looked that good,” Ennis said.
Ennis said his family live in his wife’s grandmother’s home and have lived there for the past 33 years.
“The privacy that we have is hard to find in this town,” he said, adding the home sits on five acres, mostly surrounded by woods. “We’ve had a gorgeous piece of property well, well maintained.”
He said he understands that developers have the right to come in and redevelop areas.
Ennis did mention some concerns, including “obnoxious light” that could come from the apartments and seep onto his property.
“I understand security’s an issue … I don’t want lights at three, four in the morning,” Ennis said.
Fazio responded by saying they could use downward lighting that won’t affect his property.
Ennis was also said nervous about the noise and garbage the new building may bring.
“I like the concept, I think it’s a beautiful structure,” Ennis said.
Board members agreed. Brian Austin said he approved of the barn-like design.
“I think it’s a great project,” he said. “I wish they all looked like that.”
Although the project gained concept acceptance, the developers will need to come before the Planning Board again to discuss waivers before they receive final site approval and can break ground.