ALBANY — Tulip Fest is postponed, and there is not another date scheduled.
Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan said city opted to indefinitely postpone the 72nd annual event, held in Washington Park, to stay in line with a March 15 recommendation by the federal Center for Disease Control to cancel all mass gatherings of 50 or more people through May 10.
The festival, which features tulips, music, food and arts and crafts, was slated for May 8 through May 10.
Tulip Queen and Court nominations are still being accepted through April 6 and the interview process will continue, albeit virtually. The Queen and Court, who do volunteer work at schools and other non-profits and who serve as ambassadors for the city, will be chosen at the “appropriate time.”
“As we move into the summer months, we will be working on other ways to celebrate our City’s history and culture,” Sheehan said in a statement.
The status of other summer festivals, like Alive at Five and Dad Fest, are being evaluated on a case by case basis and compared to the status of the COVID-19 outbreak.