ALBANY — As of Monday morning, there are not 122 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Albany County including a person at the City Mission and another a nurse at the county jail.
Sunday there were 115 confirmed cases.
On Monday, there were 490 Albany County residents under mandatory quarantine and another 634 under a precautionary quarantine, according to County Executive Dany McCoy. Seven people are hospitalized, which is just less than 6 percent of all cases.
Sheriff Craig Apple said jail inmates are being isolated and portions of the jail are being sanitized. Who the nurse came into contact with, both at the jail and in her personal life, was being tracked on Monday.
County Department of Health Director Elizabeth Whalen said the number of people being tested for COVID-19 is getting smaller, which will lead to a smaller number of positive cases. But, she warned, it should not give residents a false sense of hope.
“In order to contain this, you have to act like you have it. Treat yourself and treat others like you have it,” she said. “The driver of this virus are not those who are symptomatic. There are those who are asymptomatic, or who have mild symptoms, who are spreading this in the community.”
In New York state where are 20,875, a jump of more than 5,000 since Sunday. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has said New York has tested more than any other state in the nation and, on a per capita basis, more than any other country in the world.