COLONIE — Two Albany men are under arrest for allegedly breaking into the St. Pius Church and School on Wednesday, Oct. 16.
According to Lt. Robert Winn, when police were called to 23 Crumitie Road, it was discovered computer equipment, a cross and a necklace were missing from an office on the parish side of the property.

Later that same day, a nearby resident reported someone had broken the window of a vehicle but nothing was stolen.
Investigators developed a potential suspect and Dean Sullivan, 34, was located near his Clinton Avenue home in the City of Albany.
The stolen property was recovered in his room and he was arrested at 4:30 p.m., less than 12 hours since the initial report.
A day later police arrested Luigino Franchini, 29, of Albany, and charged him as an accomplice. His role, according to police, was to drive the vehicle to the location and helped steal the computer equipment, allegedly.

Both men were charged with the felonies of burglary and criminal mischief as well as petit larceny, a misdemeanor, for the church burglary. There could be charges forthcoming for the broken car window.
They were held pending arraignment in Colonie Town Court.