BETHLEHEM — Improvements to the athletic facilities at the high school are moving along and should be ready by the next time the respective teams take the field.

The old bleachers and press box were demolished to make way for seating that is compliant with the Disabilities Act. It will cost about $1.2 million.
The baseball field, which was nearly underwater after even a sprinkle of rain, was bulldozed and the old, wooden dugouts were demolished. The new baseball field will cost about $747,932.
There is a new ADA-compliant restroom building being constructed at a cost of $380,000 and paving the access road will cost about $189,750.
The swimming pool is also being redone with new tile and infrastructure improvements at a cost of $645,427. The pool was supposed to be complete by the middle of this month when fall

swimming starts but it was pushed back. The swim team will train at the Elm Avenue Park town poll until it is done sometime in early September.
The work is part of a $27 million renovation project approved by voters in 2016 that includes work on every district school building.
The top photo is of the new bleachers and press box and the bottom is an aerial of the new baseball field.