LOUDONVILLE — Teacher-parent relationships can be the most important component affecting students’ learning. At many large schools, teachers are often too overwhelmed to promote relationships with parents.
At Saint Gregory’s School, however, it is a priority for the faculty to get to know the families to share the accomplishments and improvements of their students. “Our teachers truly care about their students, and they are always seeking what is best for them,” said Kathryn Helm, Head of School. “Parents and teachers should be powerful allies.”
Since its inception in 1962, Saint Gregory’s has been preparing students for the most demanding high school programs by combining a rigorous academic curriculum with strong moral character development. Jennifer Oberting has two children at Saint Gregory’s and she credits the faculty’s impressive educational credentials and infectious enthusiasm for making significant contributions to her children’s lives. “There is no question in my mind that (my son) would not be where he is today, with the confidence, perseverance and healthy attitude he has towards life, if it were not for the teachers,” said Oberting. “They are the gold standard.”
New York Times Bestselling author Jessica Lahey, who wrote “The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed,” will speak at Saint Gregory’s on Friday, Oct. 26, at 6 p.m.
Lahey will discuss how parents and teachers can work together to raise resilient and resourceful adults.
The event is free, but registration is required. To register, visit the event page at