#BryanClenahan #GuilderlandDemocraticParty #ChristineNapierski #SpotlightNews
GUILDERLAND — Bryan Clenahan won the Democratic Party caucus on Thursday, July 26, and is the party’s nomination for town judge.
He beat incumbent Judge Christine Napierski 153 to 132 in what was a secret ballot cast by registered party members at Tawasentha Park.
Napierski, though, remains on the Conservative line and will appear on the ballot in November’s general election. She will also run primaries in September against Clenahan for the Independence Party and the Women’s Equality lines.
“I love being a judge. If would not do it if I didn’t like it and I think I am the right person for the job,” she said. “The town deserves the most qualified for the candidate and I feel I owe it to the town to stay in the fight and keep moving forward.”
The Republican candidate is Stephen Chesley.
While the Democrats did appoint her to the bench, Napierski, claimed the party was railroading her off the bench in an effort to secure the seat for her opponent.
In a federal lawsuit, she claimed Tawasentha Park discriminated against the disabled because the pavilion was not compliant with the American with Disabilities Act and as such should not happen.
U.S. District Court Judge Glenn Suddaby ruled the caucus could take place, though, provided accommodations were made to ensure the disabled could cast a vote.
Rather than a show of hands, the 285 Democrats who showed up cast their ballots by secret vote by writting their chosen candidate’s name on a piece of paper and putting it in a cardboard box.
“It was a circus,” said Andy Holland, Napierski’s attorney. “It was anything but an orderly primary. We are disappointed with the result of the caucus and we will have to decide what to do going forward.”
Napierski said she will decide in the near future whether or not to challenge the results in court.
“It was a great night. I came up a little bit short but we made the democratic party notice us. I was not crushed, and I am still standing and I had a great show of support,” she said. “I hope this shows the Guilderland Democratic Party this caucus system is antiquated and the town deserves better.”