Mark your calendars because we have a busy week coming up, filled with some exciting summer reading programs for kids and families.
Friday, Aug. 11
Pokémon Goes to the Four Corners
Meet with your Pokémon Go app ready to play and get free wi-fi as you walk to the Four Corners looking for Pokémon. Adults must accompany children, 10 a.m.-noon. For kids and families.
Monday, Aug. 14
Animal Lovers – Dog Days
Make blankets and toys for dogs waiting for adoption at Mohawk Hudson Humane Society, 2:30-4 p.m. For grades 6-12.
A Building for the Future at Five Rivers
Stop by the new Visitors Center at Five Rivers to learn about its environmentally friendly features, 6-7:30 p.m. For kids and families.
Tuesday, Aug. 15
Five Rivers at the Library – Predators Build a Better Future
Our Five Rivers friends return to the library to talk about all the ways foxes, owls, coyotes and other predators maintain a healthy habitat, 2:30 p.m. For kids and families.
Thursday, Aug. 17
BPL Drama Llamas Present – Puppet Show and Storybook Theatre
Enjoy a fun, interactive show presented by our teen volunteer drama troupe, 4-4:30 p.m. For kids and families.
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Summer Reading
Summer reading is going strong through the end of the month with programming, prizes and more! Don’t forget to report your reading progress.
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Get ready for the eclipse
Mark your calendars for a pair of library events that will help your family prepare for the Aug. 21 Great American Eclipse.
On Saturday, Aug. 12, Dudley Observatory astronomer Valerie Rapson will be at the library for a solar eclipse talk geared toward children in grades 1-8. Sign up online at or call (518) 439-9314. The talk kicks off at 2 p.m.
Dr. Rapson returns Wednesday, Aug. 16, at 7 p.m. for “Hot Topics in Astronomy: Partial Eclipse,” a program just for adults.
Solar eclipse glasses will be available at both programs, which are co-sponsored by miSci.
— Kristen Roberts