Troopers will be on the lookout for lead-footed and aggressive drivers this week as part of the annual Speed Week campaign which runs from Wednesday, Aug. 2 through Tuesday, Aug. 8.
Last year, troopers issued more than 21,600 tickets, including 10,500 for speeding and nearly 650 for distracted driving.
Speeding is a contributing factor in nearly a third of all fatal crashes in New York state. In 2015, 343 people were killed and 18,191 were injured in speed-related crashes statewide.
Troopers will use marked vehicles and Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement vehicles to watch for speeders, distracted or impaired drivers, occupants who are not buckled up and drivers who violated the Move Over Law.
Committing those infractions are not only dangerous, they are expensive. The minimum and maximum fines for speeding on a highway with a posted speed limit of 55 or 65 mph are:
First conviction:
-10 mph or less over the limit: min $45/max $150
-11- 30 mph over the limit: min $90/max $300
-31 mph or more over the limit: min $180/max $600
Second conviction:
-10 mph or less over the limit: min $45/max $300
-11 – 30 over the limit: min $90 /max $450
-31 or more over the limit: min $180/max $750
Third conviction
-10 mph or less over the limit: min $45/max $525
-11 – 30 over the limit: min $90 /max $675
-31 or more over the limit: min $180/max $975
Court surcharges are $93 for town or village courts while other courts, such as city traffic courts, will hit you up for $88.
Points on a license, which impacts insurance costs, are:
-1-10 mph over limit: 3 points
-11-20 mph over limit: 4 points
-21 – 30 mph over limit: 6 points
-30 – 40 mph over limit: 8 points
-More than 40 mph over limit: 11 points and it triggers suspension