Like me, this Paleo, almost-keto dessert doesn’t fit into a category.
It’s gluten-free and cow-dairy-free to be sure, but I’m not sure it’s entirely Keto or Paleo because of the sugar it contains, minimal as it is.
Sometimes a sweetness compromise is necessary because I’m not a major fan of Stevia, though I’ve tried and TRIED to like it.
This refreshing dessert has a richness-from-within quality. It’s warm, comforting, and contains a generous amount of fat. You really don’t need to top it with anything, though Chef Bill admits to spritzing it with a bit of canned whipped cream.
And the dessert can easily be made kosher for Passover by using margarine or coconut oil instead of the butter.
2 cups almond flour
zest of 1 lemon
1/3 cup lemon curd (available at most supermarkets and specialty food stores)
3 egg yolks
four eggs
1 can full-fat coconut milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 stick unsalted butter, room temperature
Preheat oven to 350. Blend all liquid ingredients in a Vitamix or blender. Pour into mixing bowl and add liquid from the blender. Whisk gently until blended. Whisk in lemon curd, followed by softened butter. Blend thoroughly. Spray a round casserole dish with non-stick cooking spray. Pour batter into casserole and cook uncovered for 30 minutes. Turn oven off and let sit in cooling oven for 10 minutes. Serve warm.
Stacey Morris is a Loudonville-based author, yoga instructor, and health coach. Through clean eating and DDPYOGA, she maintains a 180-pound weight loss. Her books are available through Amazon and at .