Join us on Monday, April 3 at 7 p.m. for a look at racism in the U.S. as a series of legal problems.
The focus will be on practical legal realities, rather than theory. We will discuss the key rights established by court rulings and legislation, and we will examine those rights in operation. Issues will be addressed in their historical context, and the workings of the legal system will be explored. The program will be led by Stephan Haimowitz (JD, Rutgers University, 1975) who has worked on a broad range of civil rights matters. All are welcome!
A Trip To Asia
In A Cup*
Join us on Tuesday, April 4 at 6:30 p.m., as we embark on a tour of the different expressions of the tea plant while learning how to brew whole leaf teas! Explore and taste the different production styles of tea: white, green, black and more. Come ready to experience tea in its purest form as we explore what the craftsmanship of man can produce from simply a bud and a leaf. Presented by Hayley Stevens Miller, managing partner of Saratoga Tea and Honey.
— Lynn Kohler