Dear Editor,
Boy Scouts of America Troop 58 in Delmar would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to Hannaford Supermarkets for its generous support of our annual all-you-can-eat pancake dinner, held on January 18th at the Nathaniel Blanchard American Legion Post. The people at Hannaford, both locally and at the administrative level, truly went above and beyond in their efforts to help the scouts put on this fundraiser and their help is greatly appreciated.
In addition to Hannaford, thanks also go out to the Bethlehem Lions Club and the Bethlehem community.
More than 200 people in attended the dinner. The support from our community and local businesses helps fund Scout activities that are not only fun, but help develop character, leadership and community involvement. Some of Troop 58’s community projects include: building and improving hiking trails, road cleanups, flag placement to remember those who sacrificed for our country, and the public reading of the Declaration of Independence in celebration of the 4th of July.
Troop 58 extends a special thanks to our troop sponsor, the Nathaniel Blanchard American Legion Post. The Post has been Troop 58Ds sponsor for almost 100 years. The scouts are grateful and honored for the Posts’ continued support.
Thank you to everyone that that participated. The Troop is looking forward to its the annual pancake dinner in next January. We hope the community is too.
Mark Hansen,
BSA Troop 58 Pancake Dinner Coordinator