COLONIE – Police are trying to piece together what happened on Halloween Night when a 17-year-old claims he was stabbed at the intersection of Skyview Drive and Columbia Street Extension.
According to Lt. Robert Winn, the victim, Gabriel Colon, called police and was at around 10:24 p.m. to report he had just been stabbed in the chest.
He was transported to Albany Medical Center with a minor stab wound, a small cut to his hand and a contusion to his head.
Colon’s story, Winn said, has changed “numerous times” from his initial interview on Monday, Oct. 31 to follow ups on Tuesday, Nov. 1.
Winn said the injuries were minor, and Colon accompanied police back to Skyview Drive after being treated at Albany Med in an attempt to determine the exact location of the alleged assault. It remains unknown, Winn said, because there is no blood or any other evidence and Colon remains uncertain.
Colon was not robbed and the only thing missing is the knife, Winn said.
“He has no description of the suspect at all,” Winn said, adding Colon could not even say if the suspect was in costume for Halloween. “He is speaking with investigators but several versions of his story have not been able to be verified or disproven. But there is no disputing there are injuries so we are continuing the investigation.”
Colonie police and a K9 from the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Department scoured the neighborhood on Oct. 31 and could find no trace of the suspect or the weapon – believed to be a small paring knife – allegedly used in the crime.
Colon lives within walking distance of the intersection where the alleged assault took place. Winn does not believe he was in costume for Halloween, and does not think he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
If police think Colon is making up the story, he could be charged with falsifying a police report.
“But, when something like that happens there is generally a medical or a psychiatric reason behind it and we don’t often pursue those types of charges,” Winn said.
He did say there is no reason to believe that there is an armed and dangerous person roaming the quiet neighborhood where the alleged assault took place.
Anyone with information is asked to call Colonie police at 783-2744.