Lead was discovered in 11 water sources in two elementary schools in the Bethlehem Central School District, including one drinking fountain.
The district received the results from Elsmere and Slingerlands elementary schools on Oct. 13 and Oct. 11, respectively and have since shut off the water at all 11 sources.
Of the 69 samples drawn from the Elsmere Elementary School, three locations showed lead levels above the 15 parts per billion safety threshold:
-The sink in Room 35 has 22 ppb of lead.
-The bathroom sink in Room 3 has 24 ppb
-The water fountain in the front wing near the handicap entrance has 22 ppb.
Of the 107 sampled drawn throughout Slingerlands, eight had the presence of lead at more than 15 ppb:
-The sink in Room A has 18 ppb of lead
-The sink in Room 2 has 23 ppb
-The sink in Room 45 has 24 ppb
-The sink in the Room 19 bathroom has 28 ppb
-The sink in the gymnasium has 18 ppb
-The sink in the library office has 26 ppb
-The sink in Room 1A has 40 ppb
-The dishwasher sprayer in the kitchen has 18 ppb
“All affected sources of water have been immediately taken out of service,” according to a statement on the district website. “In the meantime, students and staff will be asked to use alternate sinks for hand washing and will be directed to near by drinking fountains as repairs are made to the affected sources.”
The new sources will be tested and confirmed to be below the state’s action level prior to returning them to active service.
Anyone with questions about the lead situation at Elsmere are asked to contact Principal Kate Kloss at [email protected]
Anyone with questions about Slingerlands can Principal Heidi Bonacquist at [email protected]
More information as it becomes available.