An uplifting event to honor four women who have made a difference.
The Capital District Women’s Employment & Resource Center will hold their 2016 Annual Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn Troy.
WERC will honor community leaders who have made important contributions to the personal and professional growth of women, as well as to the region’s economic vitality.
The awardees this year are: Lisa A. Frisch, Executive Director, The Legal Project – Harriet Rifkin Leadership Award; Carmen Duncan, Founder & CEO, Mission Accomplished Transition Services – WERCing Woman of Achievement Award; and Stewart’s Shops Corp. – Advancement of Women in the WERCplace Award.
This is the 12th year that WERC has hosted this uplifting event.