A typical single-family home in the Guilderland Sewer Improvement District will see their sewer bills increase $1.17 next year, which mostly covers increasing debt service costs.
The Guilderland Town Board held two brief public hearings Tuesday, Oct. 7, regarding changes to the Guilderland Sewer Improvement District’s assessment roll. No one spoke at the hearings, and board members approved the increase to assessment rolls. The typical homeowner would pay $304.50 for operations, maintenance and debt service.
There are two zones for the Sewer Improvement District, “A” and “B,” with the former consisting of where the sewer system is in use and the later where are sewers are proposed to be used in the next five years.
A typical district homeowner will pay $62.40 towards principal and interest after the $1.01 increase. A typical single-family home in “Zone B” would actually see a decrease of $1.18 next year for a total of $20.87.
Town Supervisor Ken Runion said the district’s debt service costs usually increase by a similar amount annually, because as bonds mature the interest tends to rise.
A typical single-family homeowner will see a 34-cent increase and pay $242.10 towards operations and maintenance within the district.
The second public hearing was scheduled for 7:45 p.m., but it was opened, closed and the resolution passed a few minutes before that time.
The Town Board canceled its next meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 21, and scheduled a public hearing on the Preliminary 2015 Town Budget on Thursday, Nov. 6, at 7:30 p.m.