State Police are going to be keeping an even closer watch for drivers texting while driving during an upcoming enforcement initiative.
The “Operation Hang-Up” campaign will run from Thursday, April 10, to the following Tuesday, which will have State Police along the thruway cracking down on distracted driving violations.
`The State Police are committed to keeping our highways safe for all motorists,” Troop T Commander Major Mallard said in a statement. “This campaign is about protecting travelers from preventable injuries and property damage caused by distracted drivers using electronic devices.”
A significant amount of traffic crashes, injuries and deaths are from drivers using their cell phone or texting while driving, according to State Police. These behaviors are also increasingly common despite the known dangers.
State Police said districted driving enforcement is a priority, but periods of increased enforcement statewide aim to raise awareness and deter such behaviors. The dates for this month’s campaign are coordinated with a nationwide effort to combat distracted driving.