A fire caused by a broken gas line at a Carman Road plaza damaged three businesses on Friday, Dec. 20.
According to Guilderland fire investigators, the broken gas line led to a rooftop heating unit at the plaza located at 3905 Carman Road, which contained Ruggiero’s Pizza, Deli & Catering, the offices of Dr. Oshins and The Dance Studio.
At 5:19 p.m., the Guilderland Fire Department was called to the plaza for a reported structure fire. A police unit was first to arrive and evacuated the building. The first fire unit arriving confirmed the fire on the roof and called for reinforcements.
Volunteers from the Guilderland Fire Department, Guilderland Center Fire Department and the Fort Hunter Fire Company had the fire under control within minutes of arrival. Crews stayed on the scene to check for hot spots in the structure and assist occupants with retrieving their belongings.
`When our crews arrived, we went right to work to extinguish the fire that was visible on the roof,` said Guilderland Assistant Fire Chief Frank Zabinski in a press release. `Our initial attack was focused on knocking down the fire and preventing extension into other areas of the building.`
A subsequent investigation by town fire investigators on Saturday, Dec. 21, led to the discovery of the broken gas line.
`This fire demonstrates why it is important to recognize the hazards of natural gas,` said Zabinski. `Whenever you smell natural gas, evacuate the building or the area immediately and call 911.`
There were no injuries to occupants or firefighters during the fire. There was significant damage done to the three businesses, but officials said the building is repairable.