Enjoy fun in the sun with Albany Public Library at the fourth annual SummerFest outdoor family party on Saturday, July 13, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Delaware Branch (331 Delaware Ave.). This free outdoor party features bounce houses, activities, games and prizes, music, and snacks.
SummerFest is the major event in the library’s Summer Reading Program, which encourages literacy by rewarding kids for reading. The party gives children a chance to sign up for the Summer Reading Program and sample the activities and books available at the library.
SummerFest activities include:
Bounce houses and activity centers
Games and prizes
Music and magic
Hula hoops, sidewalk chalk, and other fun activities
Snow cones and popcorn
Summer snacks provided by Price Chopper
The SummerFest party is so big that the library is closing all branches – except for Delaware and the Main Library – on July 13. Albany’s Delaware Avenue neighborhood is also participating in the day’s festivities with a street fair, special sales at many businesses, food and activity booths, and a garage sale.
The Albany Public Library Summer Reading Program runs through Aug. 23. Kids and teens register and record their reading at any APL library. Participants are rewarded for their reading and participation in other reading and learning-related activities. More than 250 special events and activities are planned at the library’s seven locations during the eight-week program.
The full summer reading activity guide is online at www.albanypubliclibrary.org/documents/srp2013guide.pdf.