‘The Big Orange Splot’
by Daniel Manus Pinkwater
In this timeless classic, Mr. Plumbean lives on a street where everything looks the same. When his house gets hit with orange paint, it becomes his inspiration to inject a dose of color and whimsy into his life. At first the neighbors do not like what they see, but taking their cues from Mr. Plumbeam, they eventually find their own ways to express themselves. This book shows kids that being spontaneous and different has its benefits. Scholastic, Inc.
‘iPad Apps For Kids For Dummies’
By Jinny Gudmundsen
You love your iPad, and the kids do too. However, you’re hesitant to hand over your tablet because various disaster scenarios keep popping up in your mind: Your preschooler deletes all of your apps. Your toddler ends up on the Internet. Purchases you didn’t authorize show up on your credit card statement. This book offers tips to make iPad use safe for you and your kids.
‘The Quiet Book’
by Deborah Underwood
The reader is invited to follow animals into different types of quiet. Whether it be hide-and-seek quiet or right-before-you-yell-“Surprise!” quiet, this beautifully illustrated book brings the reader into the kinds of situations that children encounter in their everyday life. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
‘Doodle Your Day’
by Anita Wood
From drawing their favorite tweeter for National Bird Day to penning what made them smile, budding artists will love exploring their creativity in this doodle journal featuring 300 color illustrations for inspiration. At the end of a year, kids will have a one-of-a-kind illustrated keepsake to treasure for years to come. Gibbs Smith.