The Town of Bethlehem has been cited by the Environmental Protection Agency when its drinking water was found to not in be compliance with new guidelines at several testing locations.
Department of Public Works Director Erik Deyoe said recently, levels of chemical compounds called trihalomethanes, were found to be higher than regulatory standards at several testing sites. Trihalomethanes (THM) are formed when chlorine added to disinfect drinking water reacts with organic compounds.
“Right now, we want to do our best to take some of those organics out of our water system,” Deyoe said. “We plan to do a system-wide flushing to help improve the water quality.”
The town was not in compliance this year at some testing locations because of changes made to EPA guidelines in 2012. Previously, tests were made system-wide to check the levels of the chemical compounds and the average score of the entire system was taken. Now, the levels of chemical compounds at each testing site must be submitted.
Samples drawn from the furthest limits of the system, where the water sits longer and has more opportunity to form the byproducts, had the highest levels. Deyoe said usually these sites also have the fewest number of people drawing from them, which is another reason water from those sites sits for longer periods of time.
Each Bethlehem resident should have received a notice in their water bill with answers to many general questions about the matter. Although trihalomethanes have been known to cause some health effects over long periods of time, the levels in the town’s drinking water are not considered to have reached a high enough level to be of concern, officials said.
“The average person would need to drink water containing trihalomethanes at twice the regulatory limit for several decades to present any risk of adverse health effects,” read the letter from the town.
The water is still safe to drink and measures are being taken to fix the problem. Deyoe said using an extra carbon filter on the tap at home or through a water pitcher may be helpful as an extra precaution. The levels should return to normal within the next three months.
The town has known of the EPA changes to drinking water testing standards for some time. A public hearing was held in September of 2010 to discuss the changes and notify the public of needed changes to the town’s water treatments facility. The town unified its water distribution system in part because of the approaching regulation change.
In 2012, the town began the planning and design of improvements to be made at the New Salem Water Treatment Plant. Construction is expected to be complete by June 2013. Operational changes at the Clapper Road Water Treatment plant are also scheduled for this summer, with planning and design for “long-term improvements.” The project is expected to cost about $1.7 million.
System-wide flushing of the water distribution system will begin as soon as the weather allows. Deyoe said the changes have been made to the Clapper Road plant to add air into the process, as well.
“We’re really just working to freshen up the water and keep it moving within the lines,” he said.
More information can be found of the town or EPA website. Those with specific questions concerning safety can call Dr. Tom Brady of the Albany County Health Department at 447-4620.