Although Capital District Parent Pages covers everything from “diapers to diplomas,” infants get the spotlight every spring. As one of those moms who has moved past her baby-rearing days (although never say never), it is always fun revisiting those decisions and products that figure into childbirth and early parenthood.
So much changes so fast.
My children grade-schoolers now were born within 22 months of each other so I really didn’t experience a lot of new infant trends in that time period. I can tell you, though, that the changing table and Diaper Genie I had to have for my first daughter was pretty much obsolete by the time the second one came on the scene. I see things at the stores these days that were either on the fringes or wildly expensive during my early days of parenting that I would have loved video baby monitors, co-sleepers, Moses baskets and forehead thermometers that actually work.
So changing trends can be good, but the one constant and bit of advice I would give new parents is to love your child and trust your instincts. It is important to remember that there are a lot of different ways to be a great parent, so find what works for you and don’t be afraid to modify as you go: Infants don’t deal well with dogma. (Also, you don’t actually need all the baby gear you are probably going to buy, but that is something you will only realize in hindsight.)
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Kristen Roberts Editor, Capital District Parent Pages