Parents and guardians taking in a show at the Proctors arts and entertainment complex can now take advantage of Parents Time Out, a safe solution to childcare challenges.
In an arrangement between Proctors and the Schenectady YMCA, the Time Out program allows parents to sign up for childcare at the new Downtown YMCA while they attend selected performances at Proctors. All care providers associated are state-certified professionals with age-appropriate training in CPR and first aid.
When purchasing tickets, parents can elect childcare and complete the appropriate paperwork to enroll in the program. Then before the show, they simply drop their child at the YMCA right across the street from Proctors and enjoy the performance.
Registration forms must be completed in full and sent to the YMCA 48 hours in advance of performance date. Fill out the online form, and it will automatically be sent to the YMCA. Or, send your pdf form via email to [email protected]. Participants will be required sign their form when dropping off a child. The cost of this program is $15 with a sibling discount of 15 percent. The program will run for four hours and will start one hour prior to show time.
Parents Time Out is available for selected performance of “Celtic Thunder,” “Pumps & Punchlines,” “A Chorus Line,” “Million Dollar Quartet,” “American Idiot” and “Penn & Teller.”
For more information, call 881-0117 or email [email protected].