People often go the distance for those they care about, but not many do it like Dr. David Krischer.
The longtime Delmar practitioner is on the far side of Minnesota right now after pedaling his bike for weeks from Rockport, Mass. Now, he’s hoping that every mile he’s come and every mile to the Pacific will help his former nurse Anita Mullaney, who is in the terminal stages of lung cancer.
“She is a sweet person and very thoughtful,” Krischer said last week from Battle Lake, Minn. “She had a pleasant way about her that endeared many people to her. Many former patients continued to send her cards for years after she had to retire.”
Though the cross-country trip had always been a goal for the recently-retired doctor, it wasn’t until he got underway in July that he thought it could be something bigger. Now, he hopes people will dedicate a penny to Mullaney’s medical bills for every mile he rides. With a trip that’s expected to go 3,500 to 4,000 miles (depending on whether Krischer has the energy and time to head down to Los Angeles) each donor would be pledging $35 to $40.
“As I kept pedaling, the thought just formulated: ‘Hey instead of just doing it for me, I could help a friend,’” Krischer said.
Krischer retired last year after a long career, mostly at Community Care Physicians on Delaware Avenue in Delmar.
Mullaney, a nonsmoker, was suddenly diagnosed with lung cancer over three years ago. She’s fought a battle since then that doctors now say is unwinnable. She’s currently at her Rensselaer home with her husband, Gerry, under hospice care.
Gerry Mullaney said Dr. Krischer’s ride is a terrific gesture, and one that will also be helpful after years of medical bills.
“We have a decent insurance program but when you come up with things like cancer, the copays alone… it really starts getting expensive,” said Gerry Mullaney.
Organizing the efforts in the Capital District is Lisa Snyder, who also used to work in Krischer’s office as a receptionist.
“I just think it’s a really great idea,” Snyder said.
She also remembers the cancer diagnosis for Mullaney, who had worked at the office for 14 years. Snyder remembers Mullaney as someone who always kept healthy.
“It was a very sudden thing. She worked on a Friday and on Monday her husband called,” she said. “It was a shocker in the building because she showed no signs to anyone.”
Krischer thinks his journey will be completed sometime in October, at which time he’ll probably bus it back home. He’s been making stops in cities like Buffalo, Minneapolis and Sandusky, Ohio and camping out in a tent he packs onto his bike. Not every day is a winner, but having a cause helps him.
“There are times where I’m riding with 30 mph in my face the entire day. I say, ‘I’m going to get through this because the more I do, the more it benefits Anita’s family.’”
Donations may be sent to the Anita Mullaney Benefit Fund, PO Box 254, Ravena NY 12143, or can be made at any Key Bank branch. For more information or to reach Lisa Snyder, visit the benefit’s Facebook group, “Dr. Krischer’s Bicycle Ride Across the USA for Anita Mullaney.”