Women business owners in Saratoga County are asking the community to help them fill Backpacks of Hope.
An extension of the Southern Saratoga County Women in Business Committee’s `Baskets of Hope` initiative, members are asking for donations of back-to-school supplies to fill the backpacks, which will be given to children of mothers utilizing the services of Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County.
`Baskets` of Hope provides women entering the Saratoga County Domestic Violence Shelter with baskets of personal care items.
`It is the committee’s hope that recipients of the backpacks and baskets will take comfort in knowing there are people in their own community who care and want to help,` said Liz Roggenbuck, member services manager at The Chamber of Southern Saratoga County.
Donations of supplies such as backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons, markers and glue sticks are requested for the backpacks and donations of soap, shampoo, toothpaste and other toiletries are welcomed year-round.
Anyone who wishes to participate can bring donations to The Chamber of Southern Saratoga County at 15 Park Ave. in Clifton Park (behind Shoppers World Plaza).
For more information about the program, contact Roggenbuck at 371-7748 ext. 108.
The Women in Business Committee members will gather to fill the backpacks with the assembled school supplies on Wednesday, Aug.10 at 8:30 a.m. at The Chamber of Southern Saratoga County Executive Education Center in Clifton Park.