Nathan Lebron is asking for Albany County GOP Chairman Don Clarey to step down from his post for dysfunction in the party, his lack of organization and a disregard for the committee structure.
In a press release put out this morning, Lebron, a Colonie resident vying for the GOP’s full endorsement, said that Clarey denied him an interview for the endorsement and is putting forth another candidate to primary him.
I have spoken to many members of the executive committee regarding the interview process and was informed there were no interviews conducted for the county executive position, he said. `The executive committee had met to discuss the redistricting issue and were told that I was a place holder for the position. At no time did I tell Mr. Clarey that I was a place holder, I am a serious candidate for the position and am prepared to meet the challenge of the campaign.`
Clarey said and emergency meeting was called to discuss a candidate to run in the race for Albany County Executive against Democratic Candidate Dan McCoy on the evening of Monday, June 6. He said he then discovered after talking with the parties election lawyer, Peter Kosinski, that the parties bylaws were silent on endorsing any candidates.
`I thought we could,` Clarey said of the party’s ability to endorse a candidate. `But he [Konsinski] advised me that we don’t have the structure in place to endorse in contested races or in that matter, the rules are silent on any endorsements.`
There was another candidate that had expressed interest in running for the position, Clarey said, and the only way for the party to conduct a fair process was by having a primary with him and Lebron. The man soon changed his mind and said because of his commitment to his family and his business that he would not be able to run.
If the committee of towns wants to make a motion to endorse a candidate Clarey said he would entertain that. After the election is over, Clarey said he will be putting together a committee and working with lawyers to set up a mechanism that would allow the party to endorse a candidate.
`I’ve been told they need to be reworked,` Clarey said of the bylaws. `They are out of date on a lot of levels.`
Lebron has also criticized Clarey leadership and said that he has failed to unify the county GOP. For this reason, he has asked for Clarey to resign.
`This lack of leadership at the chairman level is now very apparent; not only with this decision but the failure to unify the party is glaring,` he said. `Mr. Clarey’s decision to not include fellow members of the executive committee in important decisions yet to work against their wishes is reason for Mr. Clarey to step down immediately. Albany County Republicans need a leader who works with the committee and the candidates and not against the principles and values we strive to uphold.`
Clarey said he would not comment on Lebron’s request for his resignation.“