Donated security devices prompt worker outrage, Del Gallo mulls legality
Eight security cameras that were donated to the Rotterdam Senior Center by a resident might be taken down after complaints from workers.
The focus was back on the Rotterdam Senior Center at the Wednesday, May 25, Town Board meeting after Supervisor Frank Del Gallo said he is looking into the legality of having the video cameras at the center. Some seniors said the added security feature, donated and installed by resident Todd Koza, gives them peace of mind, but some center workers have complained to Del Gallo that they feel their privacy is being violated.
Del Gallo had earlier expressed appreciation for the donated cameras.
On behalf of the Town Board members and the Town of Rotterdam residents, I would like to thank you for your generous donation to the Senior Citizens Center, said Del Gallo in a letter sent on March 28 to Koza and Cindy Dumar. `I know that the eight security cameras will be put to good use at the center. I’m sure that they will help to make the Senior Center safer for our citizens.`
Diane Marco, former head of the town’s Recreation and Senior Programs who was removed from that position earlier this year by Del Gallo, read the letter at Wednesday’s meeting and asked the supervisor if the cameras were going to be removed from the facility.
Primarily at issue are the cameras placed in the kitchen, according to Del Gallo.
`We can’t have cameras in the work area. It is harassment,` said Del Gallo. `People have been complaining about the cameras in the work area.`
He said the cameras in the hallways and parking lot are okay and are not being considered for possible removal. After the meeting, he said `around a dozen` people have complained about the cameras.
`I don’t think it [the Senior Center] has ever been robbed,` said Del Gallo after the meeting. `I’m waiting for the lawyer to tell me if it is legal to have them in the workplace.`
Marco, who supports keeping the kitchen camera in place, asked why the center can’t be `in the generation of now` and have the cameras in place if, for instance, somebody’s pocketbook was stolen.
`What is the reason for having the cameras in the kitchen? To watch them cook?` asked Del Gallo. `The people have been complaining also.`
Marco said only four people had complained about the cameras, with two being workers and two residents using the facility.
`At the [Rotterdam Senior Association] meeting, they were thrilled that you were doing it,` she said. `They were thrilled that you had them throughout the center. If something happens to someone, I think that is a great thing for safety.`
Jack Shiely, president of the Rotterdam Senior Association, also expressed support for the cameras.
`The senior citizens are super happy that they are there,` said Shiely. `If you work in a restaurant they have cameras in them for their employees. The people that are complaining are the ones that don’t show up on time and aren’t working the way they should be working.`
Del Gallo again questioned if the cameras are there to see if those workers don’t show up on time. When asked that same question by Councilwoman Nicola DiLeva, Shiely said the cameras were not there to monitor people coming in late.
`The cameras are there for safety, not whether somebody shows up on time,` said Del Gallo.
Shiely said if it weren’t for the cameras in a nearby Wal-Mart, a local woman wouldn’t have been able to find out who stole her wallet out of her pocketbook.
`If things are going to happen, let’s have the cameras there for their protection,` said Shiely.
Del Gallo said he has no problems with the cameras being there, but wants to make sure it is OK legally.
`Well, they want them there, but I have to find out if they can stay there,` said Del Gallo. `If the law says that they can be there, then I will leave them there.“