Ballston Supervisor Patti Southworth announced her bid for re-election late on Monday, March 21. She will be running for a third term as an Independent on the Novmeber ballot.
I knew I wanted to run for re-election for another term, especially with economic projects and the stability economically for the town, to work on and continue to move forward on some things, said Southworth.
Southworth said she is committed to continuing to stimulate economic growth and to keeping the town without a highway or town tax. She said she also wants to see some projects through, like the Farmland Protection Plan that is still in progress and a portion of land in the north part of Ballston that is being considered to house light industrial office space.
`I think we want to continue to strive for economic development. I’d like to work on those projects and see that plot of land filled with businesses that would bring some good jobs to the area,` said Southworth.
Southworth already brought new businesses to the town during her tenure as supervisor and although looking to bring even more, said she wants to ensure local businesses are protected, as well as the rural character of Ballston.
She said while she does believe she’s been an effective supervisor, there’s always room for improvement.
`I think it’s unrealistic to say that you couldn’t ever do anything better, you can always do things better, so I’d like to see some projects moved forward in a more timely fashion. In government, often things sit on the burner for awhile and it takes longer than it should to get some changes redeveloped and passed,` said Southworth.
According to information from her campaign, several initiatives have improved and will continue to improve residents’ quality of life. For example, in May, Town Hall will become a Meals-On-Wheels distribution site, bringing food to homebound residents and serving as a community meal center for seniors. Town Hall has already been a center in town where residents can turn during inclement weather or during an emergency situation.
She plans to run a community-driven campaign, something Southworth said she has done before and is a pillar of the way she approaches her current position.
`My campaign will be very active, door-to-door and outreach to the community. There will be some fundraising because you can’t run a campaign without money,` said Southworth.
According to the Ballston Democratic Committee’s website, a campaign kick-off party fundraiser open to the public was planned for March 22.
Making herself available to residents 24/7 is something Southworth has stressed during her time in office and she considers it one thing that sets her apart from many other government figures.
`My record speaks for itself. I have given up practicing pharmacy to do this job full-time, which means I’m here at town hall an exceptional amount of time and am always available in my office or by phone,` said Southworth. `I’ve been very accessible to the residents.`
Southworth maintains that residents can reach her on her cell phone at 441-6548.
So far, Southworth said she hasn’t heard of anybody who has officially challenged her for the seat.