Edward Rosenberg
Age: 45
Occupation: Real Estate Broker for Gage Realty/X-Ray CAT scan Tech at Cobleskill Hospital.
Residence: Glenville
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Licensed Real Estate Broker and Small business owner since 1989. I served on the town board from 2005-2009. I have experience with virtually all of the town committees and departments. I feel I can bring my level of experience and ability to think outside the box to get the town back on track.
Why do you want to sit on the Town Board?
To add balance to the current board. It is currently made up of 5 Republicans, 3 who ran on the same team and my opponent who was handpicked to fill an open slot for the last year. We need transparency in government and we don’t have it now.
How do you plan to deal with Glenville’s current budget?
In the same way I did for the 4 years I served as Town Board member and Deputy Supervisor. During my time on the board tax increases averaged just over $15 per year for town residents and just over $4 for village residents.
How do you plan to attract businesses to Glenville?
Make all of our vacant commercial spaces available to prospective tenants and make doing business for new commercial tenants easier and streamlined. The establishment of a town committee of building owners and investors could be used to identify the strengths and weakness in the way we attract new business.
Are there any ways the town could work with the County and/or other municipalities to achieve new cost savings?
I think there is room for cooperation between the Town, County and Village. The current board’s plan to duplicate services is a perfect example. Why would the town open a leaf composting site down the road from County run Compost facility?
Additional Comments:
I am proud to say the entire Lowes project happened during the time I was on the board and that’s what we need more have to take the tax burden of the residential customers. We need to continue to provide the services are residents are used to at a cost they can afford. Glenville is a GREAT place to live, work and do business. We need to preserve the character of our town, relieve the residents of the town tax burden and bring new business to our communities. I brought to the table the idea of removing medical benefits from part time elected officials and it was passed. I have the experience, the knowhow and the ability to move things along.
Gina M. Wierzbowski
Age: 38
Occupation: EMT-B for Malta EMS
Residence: Glenville
Political Affiliation: Republican
I have been a resident of Glenville for about 18 years and have made it my home with my husband, Edward and daughter Kirsten. I have been serving our community through my membership in the Glenville Hill Volunteer Fire Department, where I am currently the Assistant Chief. I was also appointed to the Town Board in January, 2010 and have truly enjoyed serving my community in another capacity. I love our town and feel we have many things to offer residents, such as our excellent schools, our beautiful parks, our fire departments that provide excellent, professional emergency services and our own Town employees who provide essential services like public safety, road maintenance and plowing, leaf pickup and water and sewer maintenance. It has been a pleasure to see how our town operates from the people who perform vital functions for us everyday, often unnoticed and unrecognized.
Why do you want to sit on the Town Board?
I feel I can represent our residents well because I am a wife, a mother, a volunteer and a conscientious, responsible, positive person. Finding ways to save money and work within a budget is something I am very familiar with and practice in my everyday life.
How do you plan to deal with Glenville’s current budget?
I am committed to giving the residents the services they deserve while looking further than the current budget year in planning. I feel that we must reduce our dependence on the fund balance to balance the budget and only invest in capital improvements such as paving or equipment.
How do you plan to attract businesses to Glenville?
I believe that Glenville has much to offer new businesses. Since my appointment in January, we have put together a packet for realtors and business owners highlighting the town’s attributes. Also, we are looking at streamlining approval processes and timelines to create a business friendly climate.
Are there any ways the town could work with the County and/or other municipalities to achieve new cost savings?
Consolidation, when done properly, can work. Sharing services such as parks or animal control to name some things we have looked at as a board may be done in the future. It takes a spirit of cooperation and good communication by all parties to make consolidation a reality.
Additional Comments:
I have learned much about our town during the year I have served on the Board. I truly appreciate the chance to participate in a process that few people see up close. As liaison to the Department of Public Works, we have found ways to use our resources wisely, i.e. a NYSERDA grant for solar power, purchasing a waste oil burning furnace for the town garage, reorganizing plow routes for more efficiency, and composting leaves from the leaf pickup resulting in savings of time, fuel wear and tear on equipment and using the topsoil obtained at the town’s parks. We have a strong, cohesive board and we share the same vision and excitement for our town’s future. I take my responsibility to our residents very seriously and I feel my actions have represented that. I am hopeful that I will be able to continue to serve our Town.`