Beth Fucci
Bio: My husband Fred and I have lived in Glenville for four years with our six children. When looking at upstate towns we were immediately drawn to the Scotia-Glenville community. We couldn’t wait to become part of this town. Since moving in we joined the Glenville YMCA, which we found to be an irreplaceable resource. Our children also had the chance to take part in a variety of sports available to local youth. They are proud to be Tartans and look forward to representing their community
Why are you running for school board?
I wanted to take an active role in my children’s education and share my experience to increase volunteerism within our community.
If elected, what do you hope to accomplish?
To ensure all of our students have the tools, courses, and experience available to then to succeed. We need to set the bar at the highest standards. Our students will need every opportunity to prepare to be successful citizens.
What is your opinion of the 2010-11 school budget?
This year’s budget crisis was caused by the financial mess our state is in. Our school budget problem stems from the lack of aid. We need to put the spotlight on the elected officials who allowed this to happen.
What would you bring to the school board?
I would try to bring more community involvement to the board. I would welcome all residents to contact me with their ideals to where we should be as a school community.
Colleen Benedetto
Bio: Colleen Benedetto, of 3 Charles Street, is seeking a second term on the board.She owns and operates the Just Charming custom jewelry business from her home.She studied child psychology at Schenectady County Community College.
Benedetto has been involved in Highland Soccer, Girl Scouts and the Sacandaga PTA. She is active with the American Diabetes Association. She attends the First Reformed Church of Scotia.She and her husband, Ken, have three children: Gabby, grade 9 at the high school; Ally, grade 6 at the middle school; and Nick, grade 3 at Sacandaga. She is a lifelong district resident.
1) Why are you running for school board? To continue the work the board has started. We are in the middle of a building project, and we have budget issues that are going to have to be addressed in the coming year, so I feel everything has not yet come to fruition and would like to see it through.
2) If elected, what do you hope to accomplish? With everything that I do, and every decision that I make, I keep the integrity of our district, our community, and our students first in mind. I hope to continue that philosophy, keep our tax rate low, have the best program offerings, and a staff that is second to none.
3) What is you opinion of the 2010-11 school budget? Given the cuts that have been proposed at the state level, I believe the budget did very well at retaining the best program for our students, eliminating as few staff as possible, and still maintained the level of excellence that should be here at Scotia-Glenville.
4) What would you bring to the school board? My open mind, my enthusiasm, my accessibility, and my experience. I am always in and around the schools and the community, so anyone staff, students, community members know that they can always talk with me about anything that may be on their mind. And if anyone has an issue or a concern they know that they will be heard.
Andrew Carapo
Biography (100 words or less, please): Andrew Crapo is an information scientist at the GE Research Center. He and his wife Nancy live on an 85-acre farm in Glenville Hills. They are the parents of six children, all of whom started kindergarten at Glendaal and graduated from S-G High School. They have lived in the district for 30 years. Andy is an active volunteer in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, where he has served as a lay bishop, welfare farm manager, and in many other capacities. He has been active in scouting for many years and currently serves as an assistant scoutmaster. (99)
50 words or less each:
Why are you running for school board? These are difficult times for our schools and for many families. Nothing is more important to the future of our community than educating our children. The question is how to maintain and even improve outcomes with limited resources. I’d like to help find the solution to these problems. (48)
If elected, what do you hope to accomplish? I’d like to study the present in light of the past: where are we? how did we get here? I’d like to learn from others: there are many boards of education and some attain better outcomes with fewer dollars–how? I’d like to help find solutions that work for us. (50)
What is your opinion of the 2010-11 school budget? I appreciate the collaborative effort from the board and the administration in making the cuts they feel will have the least impact on programs.
What would you bring to the school board? I have many years of experience and training analyzing complex problems and seeking innovative solutions that maximize desired outcomes. Working collaboratively in teams is one of my strengths. I bring the perspective of a parent who values education and of a longterm district resident committed to strengthening our community. (49)
Free response. Take 50 words to say anything you’d like on any topic. I have grandchildren attending elementary school in another state. If their family considered living here, I’d like them to find Scotia-Glenville the best schools in the country. I’d also like them to feel they could afford to live in our district. The goal: the best education at an affordable cost
Biography (100 words or less, please):
I was born and raised in the Town of Greece, a suburb of Rochester, NY. l graduated with a B.A. from SUNY Albany in 1993 and cum laude in 1997 from Albany Law School, where I met my wife Kimberly Boucher. I was sworn to the bar in 1998 and I am now Counsel to Senate Health Chair Thomas K. Duane. The most important event in my life, however, was the birth of my son Isaac in 2008 — the same year we moved to Scotia-Glenville and fell in love with the community.
50 words or less each:
Why are you running for school board?
I am running because my son and every other preschooler in the Scotia-Glenville School District needs and deserves a voice at the table. Decisions made by the School Board today will have consequences tomorrow.
If elected, what do you hope to accomplish?
I want to be on the Board to create a realistic fiscal plan for the out years — so the community is not scrambling each year to protect our student’s vital programs. We cannot count of State aid and I was shocked the school district was shocked by this.
What is you opinion of the 2010-11 school budget?
I will vote for the budget because there is no alternative. Defeating this budget only means the voters will be forced to vote for even deeper cuts later in the year. It disturbs me that the school district is relying on reducing heat costs for revenue – and reducing nurses while top administrative staff receive raises.
What would you bring to the school board?
I have over 18 years of experience working for the State Legislature. I understand how the budget and policy process works and believe this experience would be beneficial to the Board. I would also bring a fresh pair of eyes that will bring new solutions to long-term problems.
Free response. Take 50 words to say anything you’d like on any topic.
Protections for students against bullying, harassment and discrimination is vital. Speaking out for children who have no voice must be a moral obligation for members of the School Board
I have seen firsthand in Rochester the disastrous problems which can occur when school budgets are consistently defeated. We must work with the community to insure this does not happen in Scotia-Glenville.
Leslie Smith
Biography (100 words or less, please):
For nine years, I’ve been employed by the Schenectady City School District. I worked in the district for seven years as a classroom teacher.
For the last three years, I’m a teacher on special assignment. As an instructional coach at Paige Elementary School, I work directly with teachers. I am able to observe, model, share and reflect with teachers on the instructional strategies and learning that is taking place in the classroom. I also mentor new teachers and provide professional development.
I have two children, Sara, 3 and Marissa, 1.
50 words or less each:
Why are you running for school board? I have a sincere interest in the public education in my community.
If elected, what do you hope to accomplish? If elected, I hope to use my formal training and experience in education, both as a teacher and administrator, to work in a collaborative manner with the other board members.
What is you opinion of the 2010-11 school budget? I understand the harsh reality of the economy we are all facing. All school districts are facing the same challenges of trying to put forth a fiscally sound district budget and maintain the vision and goals of the district.
What would you bring to the school board? I am very passionate about education and I feel that I can bring both formal training and experience in the field to the team. I always have a focus on what is best for all students and will advocate at all levels for public education.
Free response. Take 50 words to say anything you’d like on any topic.
I finished my degree in administration through the St. Rose Educational Leadership program, which provided me with an excellent foundation in the skills I will need to be an effective administrator. The program emphasized developing effective