Scotia-Glenville Superintendent Susan Swartz presented additional proposed cuts to her proposed budget, including the removal of swimming and golf programs.
During the March 4 meeting, Swartz presented $129,000 in reductions and eliminations to programs and staff across the district, per the request of the board of education, to help bring the tax levy for the coming year to 3 percent. With the board of education asking for a $350,000 reduction in the proposed budget, Swartz presented the $129,000 alongside revenue from new tax base growth within the town, totaling in $160,000. Together, the reductions and the revenue totals in $289,000, with Swartz bringing more possible reductions to the board on Monday, March 8.
The possible reductions presented at the meeting include the replacement of a teacher in the First Beginnings Programs with a Teaching Assistant at the elementary school level, the elimination of Scantron equipment at the middle and high school levels, the elimination of seventh grade baseball, boys basketball and girls volleyball and combination with their eighth grade counterparts and the elimination of girls swimming and golf at the middle and high school level.
According to Swartz, the removal of girls swimming and golf is after research into the cost and participation in the programs in the schools. With only 11 students in the swim program and 10 students a part of the golf team, the two programs present the highest expenses for sports in the district, totaling $20,601 together.
Its with a very heavy heart that I make these recommendations, said Swartz.
The school district is also looking to eliminate the cheer leading program, which will completely be self-funded for the coming year.
Swartz will present more possible reductions to programs and services at the March 8 meeting of the board of education in an informal presentation during the regular meeting. Two budget forums will be held in the coming weeks for community members to speak about the proposed budget. On Saturday, March 13 at 10 a.m. and on Wednesday, March 17 at 7 p.m. at the Middle Media Center.