Holistic health practices are quickly gaining popularity in a world where many people make the environment and healthy living priorities. The Holistic Moms Network has been providing a support and resource group for families and mothers since 2003, with 120 chapters around the country and now, mothers in the capital region can get involved too. A chapter is opening in Saratoga and J’mae Shemroske made it happen.
I think it’s where we’re headed as a planet and society. If we’re going to last for future generations, it’s really important to share our holistic resources and education with other people; so we can really come together and stay alive for our families, said Shemroske.
With a 21-month-old daughter and eight months pregnant with her second child, Shemroske said she was eager to connect with other parents in the area that approach parenting the same way she does. Since the closest chapter is somewhere near Kingston, she decided to start one herself.
`A friend in Boston told me about it [Holistic Moms Network] and I figured if I wanted to get a chapter going I’d have to do it myself,` said Shemroske. `I just wanted to find a community within this area with parents and people interested in raising kids in healthy ways. Being a young mom, it can be tricky to meet people you connect with.`
The way she grew up played a big part in why she decided to pursue this kind of life for her family, Shemroske said, but she didn’t necessarily realize the connection until later.
`I grew up going to a private school, which was a small community environment I enjoyed. It promoted some parts of this kind of lifestyle. I studied sustainability and environment education in college, so I was kind of on a Greenish path,` said Shemroske. `I didn’t realize it was this important to me until I had a child and then I knew I would raise [her] alternatively.`
Her daughter’s holistic upbringing began from day one. Shemroske did a natural home birth, breast fed, uses cloth diapers and eats mostly organic and local food. She does her own gardening, composts and practices what she calls attachment parenting; letting her child sleep in her bed is part of that.
Making families and parents aware of the various methods for natural living is a cornerstone of Holistic Moms Network, said Executive Director Nancy Massotto. She said the grassroots organization doesn’t concentrate on one set of choices or a certain healing method, but instead seeks to help people understand that choices influence and impact the health and wellbeing of both people and the planet.
`When you cross that threshold into parenthood you really think about the impacts of your choices and realize things you should or shouldn’t be doing; whether that’s not using certain medications or eating a certain way, you’re really affecting others beyond yourself and start thinking about the state of the planet or society living on it,` said Massotto. `Although holistic living is popular, it’s still not mainstream. If you start to follow that instinct, you may get resistance or flack from people who don’t think it’s important and without support, some tend to give up. When they find a group like this and meet other people who share a similar perspective they’re much more able to pursue the interests they have and find a path that works for them.`
Shemroske said she hopes her chapter will be able to provide families in Saratoga with that type of support. The grand opening was Tuesday, Jan. 19 and prior to that, at least one person had joined. Five official members have to join by the end of the year for the chapter to remain in existence. Shemroske said she doesn’t think this will be problem.
`I’m feeling really good about this. I think it’s going to be huge,` said Shemroske. `I know there’s an interest and that people are thinking about home schooling or chemicals in their cleaning products so it seems like there would an interest for this type of group here.`
Shemroske has been distributing flyers, doing local press and radio releases and spreading her message by word-of-mouth. She said sine she stays home with her daughter, she has the time and energy to put into making it work.
`It’s going to be like my third baby. Hopefully I’ll be a stay at home mom, be doing this and do it well,` said Shemroske.
Beyond the end of the year when her chapter will be evaluated by the national organization based in New Jersey, Shemroske said she has a vision for what her chapter will be.
`I hope to have a group of motivated, enthusiastic and committed people that come together and really enjoy each other’s company. I hope it nourishes them and takes on a momentum itself and is something people want and need,` said Shemroske.
She said she plans to go above and beyond the required monthly meeting where members get to know one another and talk about holistic issues. She said she wants to have people from the community come in and speak and hopefully do group activities, like hiking, herbal footbaths, knitting or play dates. More than educational and supportive, she wants it to be fun.