An exhibit of historic photos and newspaper clippings entitled The Way We Were is on display at Aperture Media, 1019 Keyes Ave., Schenectady, showing the story of the Upper Union Street business district.
The small exhibit includes collages and individual photographs from the area during the 1940s and 1950s that bring back memories of a bygone era for those who have lived in Schenectady for the majority of their lives.
`One of the things that made Upper Union Street what is was and what it is today is the mom and pop shops,` said former Upper Union Street business owner and president of the Upper Union Street Merchant’s Association Bob Sweet. `I just wish we had more photos. It refreshes a lot of good memories.` Sweet also helped create a walking tour of the area in October with help from the City of Schenectady Heritage Area.
The exhibit at Aperture Media includes a 1949 photo of the Rivoli Theatre at 1615 Union Street, Model T’s and trolley tracks near the former home of St. Helen’s Church at 1620 Union St., and an undated photo that shows a welcome sign at the eastern entrance to the city commissioned by the Schenectady Chamber of Commerce.
Reprints of the photos in the exhibit can be ordered through Aperture Media owner Brian Burt, proceeds from the reprints will go towards the Upper Union Street BID’s Scholarships, which are awarded to local students at Schenectady and Niskayuna High Schools.“