The holiday favorite, A Christmas Carol, will get yet another makeover as members of Saratoga Bridges make it their own in a performance on Friday, Dec. 18, at Ballston Spa High School. The cast has been working diligently for about six weeks to prepare for their big debut and have gotten a bunch of help from the high school’s Theater Outreach Program.
Saratoga Bridges is a local organization that offers several day services for adults with developmental disabilities with the main goal being to help `every individual strive to reach his/her personal goals and dreams in order to have a full, active life,` according to the Web site.
Members of Saratoga Bridges went to see a holiday train that toured the nation during the release of Disney’s `A Christmas Carol` several months ago. They fell in love with the movie and decided that’s what they wanted to perform, said Director Harry Lummis, and they then reached out to the Ballston Spa Theater Outreach Program for help with the production and use of their auditorium and equipment.
`They’re basically doing their own version of `A Christmas Carol.` They got excited [after the movie] and decided they wanted to do it themselves so they gave me a call,` said Lummis, who has been involved in community theater for 25 years and volunteers his time when needed. `We have about 18 people, which is a good size ensemble to play different parts in the show. It’s been a labor of love.`
The high school students help with lights, set, makeup and anything else the cast might need. Mary Kate Moran has been an active member of the outreach program for two years and said that her experience working with people from Bridges has been a gratifying and fun experience.
`This is good because it’s helping people that aren’t as capable of doing it and might not normally have the chance or opportunity,` said Moran, 16. `It’s pretty fun to help them`a lot are so sweet and it’s fun to see them learn what they need to do. It’s a good cause because it’s like we’re helping theater out in the community and also helping people that need the help.`
Moran said she is basically stage manager for the show, which means she writes down when set pieces go on and off and helps people when they’re not sure to go on.
Gregory Ziegler plays Fred, Scrooge’s nephew, and might be someone Moran has helped along the way. He said even though he’s never acted before, it comes easy to him and he would like to do more.
`I had to learn my lines and everything else`it’s hard to remember my lines. I don’t have any tips, I just say them over and over again,` said Ziegler. `I wasn’t familiar with the ‘Christmas Carol’ story before we started, no, but the movie was good. It [the movie] is a little different than what we’re doing because we’re doing the real version of it and that was a movie.`
Ziegler said he’s a little nervous about Friday night’s performance but excited at the same time.
Becky Filkins is a member of the ensemble and plays a handful of different characters. She said she is no stranger to theater, having performed in a few plays at her school, but said she still gets a little nervous.
`It’s hard to remember lines and I like dressing up in costume, that’s my favorite part,` said Filkins, who said she’s very excited about the big performance.
This isn’t Moran’s first time playing a lead role behind the scenes of a theater production. Last year, the program put on two community children’s plays`The Grinch and Alice in Wonderland`the latter of which she helped direct.
`I personally think it’s important to put theater into the community and help people who need help,` said Moran. `People seem to enjoy it.`
The outreach program has been in existence for about seven years and is completely student motivated, according to director Laurie Larson. She said students pick the projects they want to tackle for the year and `go for it.`
`They’ve started a picture history out in the hallway of shows that have been done here, with posters and signatures that go back 30 years,` said Larson. `They have a student directors showcase where a lot of the kids wrote their own plays and directed them.`
Larson said that, surprisingly, the group is pretty evenly mixed with some students involved in the school’s theater troupe and some just interested in helping the community.
`A Christmas Carol` will be performed on Friday, Dec. 18 at 6:30 p.m. in Ballston Spa High School auditorium.
For more on this story, pick up the Dec. 17 print edition of Saratoga Spotlight.