The Guilderland Central School District has sent the following letter home to parents regarding the suicide of a student at the high school, according to the distrcit Web site:
Dear Parents/Guardians:
It is with profound sadness that I write this letter to our GHS parents. Last night we lost a member of our GHS student body to suicide. Our sincere condolences and thoughts go out to the family and friends of our student.
This is a situation that generates high levels of anxiety and distress in our children. As a means of offering support to our students during this time of crisis the Large Group Instruction Room was staffed throughout the day today with Social Workers and Guidance Counselors for students to talk to. In addition, counseling and support personnel will be available in the GHS wrestling room tonight from 6:30 to 8:30 during the Homecoming Football game.
Facing the issue of teen suicide is an endeavor that calls for joint school and parent involvement. Please reach out to one of the resources mentioned above or listed below if you see any of the following signs/symptoms in your child: talks about committing suicide; has trouble eating or sleeping; experiences drastic changes in behavior; withdraws from friends and/or social activities or hobbies; loses interest in hobbies, school, personal appearance; gives away prized possessions or appears to be saying goodbye; has attempted suicide before; takes unnecessary risks; has had recent severe losses of friends or family.
Your child may be affected by this most recent tragedy even if he or she did not know the student well. We encourage you to talk to your child about what has happened. Discussing thoughts and feelings about death is important toward helping your child work through his or her grief. We, as a district, are balancing our duty of keeping you informed while being cautious not to, in any way, `glamorize` the act of suicide.
If you feel your child needs to speak to a guidance counselor, social worker or other adult, please direct them to e-mail their counselor or call one of the following members:
Guidance Office: 861-8591 ext. 3000 or 3008
Social Work Office: 861-8591 ext. 3020
Main Office: 861-8591 ext. 1000
Please feel free to contact me if there is any way in which I may be of help.
Brian McCann