Republican candidate Doug LaGrange has announced he is taking time away from the party committee, but not planning to join with another party, according to an email he sent.
Bear in mind that I am entertaining a leave of absence, rather than a resignation but that is still to be decided upon. I would also stress that I am not changing parties or betraying my committee. Half of the committee has chosen a different route than me and I have to separate myself from them, he said in the email.`
LaGrange said he is considering forming a non-partisan slate, or running alone. He also said that he is a `strong-minded` Republican on national issues, but local matters do not call for such partisanship.
`I will continue to guide our town with facts and not emotions or other motivations,` he said.
LaGrange also said the potential for big-box retail in town is still a reality, and representatives from Sphere Development LLC, may have indicated that they are no longer interested in New Scotland, but that does not mean the town is in the clear. He said he is concerned about this, and it affected his decision.
`One major fact is that Sphere has only claimed to have lost some interest! They have not gone away and if they
do, someone else will take their place. Remember, Sphere said our zoning is a beacon to all large scale developers in the Northeast. I would run with
anyone who is for responsible planning and would encourage a commercial development that will help our tax base and not cost our residents like the Walmart plaza in Glemont did to their residents,` he said in the email.
He cited high taxes, crime and traffic as results of big-box developments.
`If Mr. Dolin and Mr. Mackay would assure me that they are on the same page, I would strongly consider running with them. If not, I will go it alone. I think there voters in our town realize I am solely trying to do what is best for our community without infringing on personal rights,` he said.
LaGrange’s letter to Republican Chairman Lance Luther can be seen here:
Dear Chairman Luther,
It is with extreme regret that I must announce my resignation from the New Scotland Republican Committee. This is a decision that was, by no means, arrived at lightly. I have invested much time and effort into making our committee more relevant and0 viable, in New Scotland and Albany County, but my efforts have been, for the short-term, undermined. After this election I would be happy to rejoin the committee, if you would have me, but I believe many changes will have to take place.
As a conservative Reagan Republican, I am very proud of my political beliefs on a national level but those beliefs rarely, at best, come into play on the local level. Our town, at this point in time and addressing the main issue before us, requires a non-partisan, informed and thought out approach. Emotions and personality conflicts cannot blind us in our
decision making. Conservative Republicans believe in the rule of law, respect for those they represent, government transparency and honesty. I have arrived
at all my decisions with these beliefs as my guide. I am truly disheartened that others have chosen to doubt me and have not even given me the courtesy of a phone call to question me.
In addition to the above, because of our major differences on the primary issue of this election, I must also run independently from the unendorsed candidates on the Republican line. This situation is not self-created. This is due to their stance against me on the main issue before us and what I perceive as ignorance of the other issues raised. Though I hold no
animosity towards either of these candidates, the divide between us appears to be to wide to bridge. I am committed to run solely on my ability and vision and will not participate in any negatives towards them. I have, for the thirty two years of my adult, voting life, always been a Republican and continue to be such, but to paraphrase Ronald Reagan; I have not left the local Republican party, the candidates that I find myself with and half of the committee, have left me.
Doug LaGrange
Visit or read the Wednesday, Sept. 30 issue of the Spotlight Newspaper for an update on the story.“