Bethlehem Supervisor Jack Cunningham said he was told to expect at least 500 to 600 people to show up at the town’s Elm Avenue Park in Delmar tomorrow, Tuesday, Aug. 25, to hear Congressman Paul Tonko, D-Amersterdam, talk about national health care.
The event begins at 5:30 p.m. at 261 Elm Ave., Delmar.
The town hall style format is expected to be attended by many area legislators and politicians and give the public a chance to ask their Congressional representative about the president’s health care proposal and reforms to the current system.
Cunningham said the town will be ready.
Our parking lot can accommodate about 750 cars and we will have police on hand to help direct traffic, shuttle buses for the handicap and plenty of signs so people can find it, he said today. `This is the town hall meeting for the entire 21st Congressional District.`
Media will be directed behind the large pavilion of the park where Tonko will be speaking. Lydia Kulbida, a former News Channel 13 anchor, is expected to monitor the event and help field questions from the crowd.
The event will focus on health care, as reported by the congressman’s Web site, which states the forum is to `discuss health care reform with constituents.`
Return to to read the story on Tonko’s national health care discussion.