Reports of power outages in Selkirk and South Bethlehem have been confirmed by Bethlehem Supervisor Jack Cunningham.
Sewer pump stations in the area are currently on backup generators, he said, and the town has initiated its emergency response plan.
The pump stations are online with backup power and we just wanted to see if there were any seniors without power who may need help, Cunningham told The Spotlight.
The number of homes without electricity is unknown at this time, but Cunningham said the town is working with National Grid on the matter. The town’s Web site posted a notice saying the Bethlehem Police Department will not know the scheduled return of power to areas within town, only National Grid can answer those questions.
National Grid has a Web site specifically created to report outages and find out information at:
National Grid can also be reached about questions by telephone at 1-800-867-5222.