Saratoga Springs Supervisor Joanne Yepsen announced her intent to seek reelection Wednesday, July 26.
If elected, she would be serving her third two-year term. She has secured the endorsement of the Democrat, Independence and Working Families parties.
Saratoga Springs has two supervisors sitting on the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors. The other is Republican Matthew Veitch, who is also running for reelection. No other challengers have emerged, making both candidates assumed shoo-ins.
Putting people first and building partnerships is key to getting things done. Especially in light of the disappointing year we have had with our State Senate, it’s not just about the issues, but how we conduct our processes and ourselves as public officials, said Yepsen in a statement.
Yepsen is sponsoring an economic stimulus forum on Thursday, Aug. 8, at which Rep. Scott Murphy and representatives of Gov. David Paterson’s Economic Recovery Cabinet will make presentations and field questions from local business, government, healthcare and education leaders about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Yepsen sits on the county Legislative and Research, Equalization and Assessment and Racing committees. Se is also the president and owner of Coltivare, a local consulting business.“