Michael DiGioacchino, who in December launched a campaign to take on fellow Republican incumbent James Bowen for the office of Saratoga County Sheriff, announced yesterday that he is abandoning his bid.
In a press release, DiGioacchino said he was unable to gather the necessary number of signatures to secure a primary race against Bowen.
The stringent requirements as to who could collect signatures eliminated all but one person who had volunteered to help. That one person was my wife who happens to be expecting our first child so her condition made it extremely difficult for her to handle the physical aspects with respect to door-to-door petitioning, said DiGioacchino.
A Schenectady County corrections officer, DiGioacchino had proposed to toughen up the Saratoga County jail experience and introduce cost-saving measures to the department.
No other Republican candidates have announced a run for Sheriff. Jason Longton, an embattled former Corinth Police Officer, says he will run as an independent and not seek any party line.