Citing the recent month-long stalemate in the state Senate, Assemblyman James Tedisco, R-Schenectady, announced on Saturday, July 11, that he plans to introduce a bill that would allow voters to petition for a recall of their elected officials.
In a statement, Tedisco singled out Democrat Senator Pedro Espada, who crossed the aisle with Hiram Monserrate in June to give Republicans the majority in the Senate. Monserrate rejoined Democrats days later while Espada remained, causing a stalemate that badly tangled state government before he returned to the Democratic Caucus on July 9.
What Senator Pedro Espada has done, aided and abetted by many of his colleagues, is nothing less than an outright mugging of our democratic process and those who should and still can be the most powerful voices in our government, said Tedisco.
According to Tedisco, the proposed law would require 50,000 signatures for the recall of any statewide office, and 10 percent of the electorate or 5,000 signatures, whichever is lesser, for the recall of a state legislator. A vote would ensue 90 days from when the Board of Elections certified the recall.“