The New Scotland Democratic Party endorsed its candidates in unique fashion on Wednesday, June 24, and is backing a political new comer and a Republican Party member for November’s elections.
The New Scotland Democrats, unlike many other local political parties, hold a caucus, rather than a committee meeting and petition signing. Town Democrats have elected to endorse Incumbent Tom Dolin for supervisor, a Democrat, along with highway superintendent Darrell Duncan and Town Clerk Diane Deschenes.
The party has also elected to endorse Daniel Mackay, co-founder of New Scotlanders for Sound Economic Development and Republican Doug LaGrange. Both have been advocates of a 50,000 square-foot size cap on retail buildings, and do not support big-box development in town.
Party chair Mike Mackey said both Mackay and LaGrange garnered a good amount of support. Mackay’s vote was taken all at once, while LaGrange’s was taken individually.
Mackay was virtually unanimous, he said. `We took a standing vote for LaGrange and he received about 90 percent.`
He said close to 300 registered Democrats came out for the event, a number that far exceeds the norm.
`That’s an enormous turnout. Normally we have about 30 people,` he said.
He also said there were about 100 non-party affiliated observers on hand to watch the proceedings.
`The committee will be meeting to discuss things like fundraisers and working on things like the campaigns,` Mackey said.