Newcomers to the Town of Glenville who arrive sometime after this summer can expect to receive a welcome package full of information on local government and amenities that will promote area small businesses.
The idea was pitched at the Small Business and Economic Development Committee late last month. Liaison to that committee and Councilman Chris Koetzle said the package is a way to get new residents to frequent what is local, including the small businesses that rely on Glenville residents.
The welcome package would have a welcome message, town demographic information, points of interest within the town, a business directory that the business owners have to opt into, a special coupon offer from area businesses who wish to purchase ad space, and a listing of important town numbers. The package would be developed in partnership with Glenville Professional Business Association, who will underwrite the production and mailing costs through selling ad space, said Koetzle.
Koetzle said the underwriting by the GPBA will allow the packages to be distributed at no cost to taxpayers.
Town Administrator Tony Germano said tough economic times have somewhat halted the growth of new business, so the town wants to continue to support existing small businesses.
`This is one way we are showing our support for local businesses. The packet will not only help those coming in but also help with advertising for local business owners,` said Germano.
Koetzle said that the town does not have any new small businesses opening in the coming months, but he said the new Lowe’s Home Improvement Store, which will be open this fall, may stimulate small business because it will bring additional traffic to the Freeman’s Bridge Road and Route 50 area.
The Glenville Town Board must first review and approve the idea for the package, which Koetzle said should not be a problem since it will not have any bearing on taxpayers.
`I mentioned this idea as a way to bring more attention to our town’s businesses and all they have to offer our residents. We are able to defray the cost by selling ad space and allowing businesses to advertise special offers to residents, which is a big win for the town. This committee’s work has been focused on ways to help our businesses by encouraging residents to shop local and shop small business. This is one idea that I think can help achieve that goal,` said Koetzle.
The town plans to distribute about 100 packets per year. Any small business looking to get listed can contact Chris Koetzle at [email protected] or Tony Germano at 688-1200.“