When a fire ripped through two historic structures in the Town of Charlton in January, residents came together to provide support, both emotional and financial, to the owners of the restaurant and home that were destroyed.
On Sunday, June 7, they will be recognized by the whole town as grand marshals of the 41st Annual Charlton Founder’s Day Parade. The Maloney family, owners of the Charlton Tavern, and the Green family, owners of the historic house next door, will lead the procession down Charlton Road at 2 p.m.
The Charlton Tavern was over 220 years old when it was destroyed in a late night fire last winter. The fire was determined to have been electrical and originated in the kitchen of the tavern.
The parade is only one element of an entire weekend of celebration. On Saturday, June 6, a 5K run will be held for the 12th consecutive year, as well as a 1-mile fun run for kids. It is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the Charlton Historical Society, and about 300 contestants are expected to show this year.
Saturday, from 4 to 9 p.m. will be the town’s annual Party in the Park at Elmer Smith Park, which culminates in fireworks.
The fireworks were going to be cut this year because of budget constraints, but the town was able to raise $5,000 through donations and keep the show.
We got a lot of public support from local businesses and residents, said Charlton Supervisor Alan Grattidge. `The show will go on.`
In addition to the parade, Sunday will hold a meal and bake sale at the Freehold Presbyterian Church and an ice cream social following the parade. A community art exhibit and special exhibit at the Charlton Historical Society Museum will be open on both days.“