Guilderland Town Board member Mark Grimm withdrew his name from the town supervisor race, according to information he provided on Thursday, May 21.
Grimm denied rumors he was dropping out of the race as late as Tuesday, but has decided, based on the current political climate, to reconsider, he said.
`A Grimm-Runion race this year would fracture the town no matter who wins. I feel this is not what’s best for the people of Guilderland,` he said in a written statement.
He said focusing on the issues, such as the tax burden, an improved assessment process, zoning, traffic and open government are a priority.
`As a town board member, I will continue to ask the questions that need to be asked, hold elected officials accountable, and work to solve problems for my constituents,` he said. `I am so grateful to the many people who supported my candidacy. Their faith in open and fair government is the foundation for my commitment to serving the public good.`
Matt Nelligan, Vice-chair of the Republican Party in Guilderland said the residents are calling for less theatrics and more business.
`I think it was the right thing to do,` Nelligan said. `He and Warren [Redlich] have not done the right thing when it comes to the meetings.
He added that Grimm `couldn’t have done it this year.`
He said the party is searching for another candidate to run for supervisor but does not have anyone in particular in mind. He also said he is not actively considering the task himself.
Check back at and the Wednesday, May 27 issue of the Spotlight Newspaper, for an update to the story.“