After Dutch explorer Henry Hudson made his historic 1609 journey up the river that would eventually bear his name, he didn’t let his spirit of exploration die, instead making another epic expedition to North America.
Organizers of New York’s quadricentennial celebration, which celebrates the feats of Hudson, Samuel Champlain and Robert Fulton, hope that New Yorkers take that lesson to heart and make their own discoveries during the massive and varied Explore 400 celebration that is to enter full swing this summer.
Events in Saratoga County and elsewhere are already under way. The county is receiving a $45,000 grant from the state to help smaller governments stage their own events.
We think it’s a wonderful thing to be able to have the different communities find ways that are unique to them to be able to celebrate this, said Town of Halfmoon Supervisor Mindy Wormuth, who sits on the county’s Explore 400 Committee. `It’s going to be a great opportunity for the residents not only of the independent towns, but for the whole county.`
The yearlong theme is not only meant to hearken back to Hudson’s historic journey, but be a reminder that there is always something to explore in the area.
`I think it’s two pronged,` said Nelson Ronsvalle, grant coordination at the Town of Halfmoon and a quadricentennial event organizer for the town, of the celebration’s theme.
`One is recognizing the exploration of Henry Hudson and Champlain. That’s an appropriate word for what they set out to do 400 years ago. In the current day, it’s for us to explore and reconnect with history.`
In the Town of Halfmoon, the quadricentennial holds particular significance, as the Half Moon was the vessel in which Hudson made his historic journey. Accordingly, the town will be celebrating this summer.
`In August, we’re looking to have an event on the Hudson River that’s a celebration of the quadricentennial,` said Ronsvalle.
While the exact date and details of that event aren’t set, it promises to be a family-friendly celebration with storytelling and musical events focused on the historical landmark.
On Sept. 19, Halfmoon will also have a `Walk the Byway` day, when participants will walk over 26 miles along the Mohawk Towpath Byway.
Even municipalities with a more distant connection to the historic expeditions are getting into the quadricentennial spirit, and the theme of reviving history in general.
In the Town of Ballston, a celebration centered on Ballston Lake will be held July 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The events will be based in Good Times Restaurant.
Though the itinerary is still being constructed, organizers hope for plenty of children’s activities, a fishing tournament, plenty of historical artifacts and a flotilla of boats on the lake. A replica of the Onrust, the first Dutch ship built in the Americas, may also make an appearance.
`We don’t really have any Dutch heritage in the Town of Ballston, so what we’re doing is using the quadricentennial to celebrate our past, and also our present,` said Ballston Town Historian Rick Reynolds, who added that the Dutch explorers did a great deal to influence how the area is today.
`If it weren’t for the Dutch, who really opened up this state to exploration and colonization, none of these countries would have come in the way they did,` he said
Those looking to learn more about the journey itself can check out, where the Henry Hudson 400 Foundation has charted the explorer’s journey onto Google Maps.
There are many events big and small already under way that will last all year (or longer), including art installations all along the Hudson, special Albany Aqua Ducks tours and a fishing tournament in the Town of Bethlehem Saturday, May 9.
Events in the Saratoga County area include:
On Saturday, May 9, at 10 a.m. in the Malta Community Center, local historian Brian Buff will discuss ways in which communities celebrated events like the quadricentennial throughout history. Later in the month, on Saturday, May 23, Joe Brushak will discuss the role of native Americans in local history.
June 6 is National Trails Day, and entrance to Saratoga National Historical Park will be free and there will be guided tours. The Saratoga County Board of Supervisors and Saratoga National Historical Park will co-sponsor a `Tales from the Trails` event, with a bird and wildflower hike at 9 a.m. and a historical hike at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
July 4 and 5 will be the River Festival in Fort Hardy Park, Schuylerville.
The county will have an Explore 400 tent set up at the Saratoga County Fair, July 14 to 19.
Oct. 2 through 4 will be the N’dakkina Native American Festival.
Surf to for information on Explore 400 events around the state.“