Doreen Rappaport, an author of children’s books, including biographies and historical fiction, discussed the planning, structure and execution of writing in a talk Tuesday, April 21, at Guilderland Elementary School.
I talked about how you’d write your book so we can reinforce what the teachers are doing, Rappaport said of her presentation to students. `There’s no good writing without rewriting.`
She also explained to the students that the best way to tell a story is to `show, don’t say,` and she invited young authors to describe the emotions the characters are feeling, rather than simply stating them.
Rappaport said she has made the rounds in her 25 years of writing and has been to schools in Altamont, West Sand Lake and other nearby districts.
She has penned such works as `Abe’s Honest Words: The Life of Abraham Lincoln,` `Dirt on Their Skirts: The Story Of The Young Women Who Won The World Championship` and `Eleanor, Quiet No More: The Life of Eleanor Roosevelt,` as well as works about John Lennon, Martin Luther King and the American Indians.
Guilderland Elementary School Librarian Meg Seinberg-Hughes said the Young Authors Celebration lasted from Monday, April 6, to Friday, April 24, and featured an extensive calendar of daily activities, designed to stimulate students to read and write.
Seinberg-Hughes said students’ works will adorn the hallways of GES, and they will also have the opportunity to share their work in the `author’s chair.`
She said every day of the Young Authors Celebration had a different theme, ranging from reading to writing, to poetry to nonfiction.
Events featured during the two-week celebration included the `literary line of the day; clever quotes day; sharing of poetry during morning announcements; award-winning book day; and favorite author day,` according to the school district.