With the state’s budget abopted, the Bethlehem School District is standing by its current budget reductions and plans to adopt a tentative spending plan on Wednesday, April 22.
The Bethlehem Board of Education didn’t officially adopt a tentative budget for voters to look at during its Wednesday, March 25, meeting, but said they wouldn’t make any further reductions to its 2009-2010 budget.
All of the reductions are awaiting final vote by the district’s board, but as it stands Bethlehem Central will present voters with a 2 percent tax levy increase if promised state and federal funds are delivered.
Some of the reductions were more controversial than others, which led to some changes throughout a lengthy budget process that began back in January.
Superintendent Michael Tebbano took over the reins of the district last July, and said he wanted to make the school budget process more transparent and involve more community involvement.
His first budget as superintendent saw a state budget in turmoil as the national economy soured and plunged into recession.
I just want to make this process as transparent as possible, Tebbano has told The Spotlight on numerous occasions.
Some of the more controversial decisions to date have included: not replacing an Elsmere librarian; eliminating an elementary dean making $81,375; eliminating a full-time Math AIS position at $62,500; the elimination of a full-time high school music teacher making $94,817 and another full-time staff position at the high school for a $62,500 savings; eliminating 5 full-time position for special education aides for a total of $150,000; eliminating all evening games in athletics; and discontinuing paying for ice, greens and lane fees for the hockey, golf and bowling teams.
Board of education members voted to keep modified and freshman level sports after hearing vocal opposition to making such a cut. Spokesman Matt Leon said that night games would continue at Bethlehem through the rest of this year and that the elimination would take effect until after July 1, when the new school year begins.
According to the district’s athletic department, Bethlehem would play night games when it travels to other schools, but would play during the day, most likely Saturdays, when playing opponents at home.
The interests of residents came through during discussions at board of education meetings in March, as the concerns of various parents, students, and teachers were publicly aired.
One resident the board asked why around 5 percent of the overall budget reductions were taken from the musical department while slightly less than 1.5 percent was taken out of the athletics department.
The board did not specifically address the comment.
Bethlehem has eliminated $2,263,890 from its `rollover` or `carry over` budget from last year. Obligations from its union contracts make up a large portion of the increases that the district must endure annually in order to honor pay raises and other such increases.
This particular area of the budget, salaries, which consists of the majority of the school’s budget and has also come under criticism from union members and residents alike.
The Bethlehem Central Teachers Association had re-opened its contract and discussed with the district the possibility of re-negotiating its raises, but talks quickly broke down and no changes occurred.
Some teachers in the district have been critical of district’s administrators and staff unions for not doing the same and attempting to renegotiate its contracts.
Tebbano said he will take no raise over the next two years, but said little could be done about contractual raises, which total more than 5 percent for district workers.
The Bethlehem Board of Education is holding a special meeting on Wednesday, April 8, at 7 p.m. to adjourn into executive session `on consideration of contractual issues.`
Check www.spotlightnews.com and the April 15 edition of The Spotlight for updates regarding that executive session.
Other district reductions included: a $50,000 reduction in the middle school teaching staff and a $8,600 reduction of the STRIVE program; a $62,500 reduction of the Alternative Education Program (CORE) in the high school; a reduction in the number of athletic contests, saving $8,600 and a $7,000 elimination of uniform purchasing; a $62,500 full-time position in the special education department; and a $12,000 savings for not sending an additional Tech Valley High student.
A complete list of reductions can be found on the district’s Web site.
`Our test this year was to make the cuts necessary to put a budget before voters that is responsive to both their calls for tax restraint and the uncertain economic climate while preserving the program,` board president James Lytle said in a release. `I believe we have met that test.`