U.S. Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand notified Superintendent of the Latham Water District John Frazer yesterday (Thursday, April 2) that the district would be receiving $5.98 million in federal stimulus money to complete phases 2 and 3 of the project to shut down two Latham towers in the existing system and construct a new tank in Loudonville, including about 8,000 feet of 36-inch water main.
The project was studied and planned in the late 1990s, according to Frazer, and was suggested by the Federal Aviation Administration to have the towers be moved out of the glide path for flights coming through the Albany International Airport.
According to Frazer, the Albany International Airport Authority was planning to fund the project, through funds being received by the FAA, before the announcement of the stimulus money was made.
We, from the start of the project, have said there shouldn’t be any cost to the taxpayers in the town, said Frazer.
Frazer said the district has not completed Phase 1 of the project, which involves construction of a 24-inch water main in Loudonville, and expects that it will be complete in May, with Phase 2 beginning shortly thereafter. Frazer also said he expects the entire project to be completed by mid-to-late 2010.
`We’re happy to know that the funding is available for the project so it will allow us to advance the project without any funding concerns,` he said.
For more on this story, check back at www.spotlightnews.com, or read the Wednesday, April 8 print edition of the Colonie Spotlight.