At the Niskayuna Town Board Meeting, held on Tuesday, March 24, a resolution sponsored by councilwoman Julie McDonnell supporting the efforts of certain organizations to construct a multi-purpose recreational and sports facility in the Town of Niskayuna, was passed unanimously. At least half a dozen Niskayuna residents stood and spoke in support of the resolution.
`With two teenagers of my own, an indoor facility offers a great opportunity for sports year- round,` said Trish Pollock of Niskayuna and a Niskayuna Soccer Club officer.
`An indoor facility gives both our young people and our adults something to do year-round. Sports have proven to teach life skills, they’re fun, [the kids] can socialize – I think it would be a great opportunity,` said Pollock.
The project of planning an indoor recreational facility was started with the closing of Center City in downtown Schenectady, where the soccer and lacrosse clubs used to practice sports in the colder months. Center City is currently being redeveloped into a new space. This past season, the Niskayuna Soccer and Lacrosse Clubs were unable to practice due to a lack of space. At the Thursday, March 5, meeting of the Parks, Education and Recreation Committee, Michael Parzych, president of the Niskayuna Soccer Club, and Steve Avveduti, president of the Niskayuna Lacrosse Club, presented their preliminary plans.
The facility, which would be funded privately ` not through the Town of Niskayuna ` would cost between $500,000 and $600,000. After a capital drive and donations, the clubs are anticipating needing a bond or loan of $400,000. According to a preliminary plan, the building, which would be created in the style of a warehouse, would measure between 100 and 120 feet by 200 to 220 feet with a `clear span space.` Heaviest use of the building is expected from November to March. Times for using the space would be between 4 to 10 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends. According to the preliminary plan, `based on 80 percent utilization during that time, we anticipate a loaded cost of $100 per hour for usage.`
Seth Hanft of Niskayuna also spoke in support of the need for an indoor facility.
`I think you can all agree that it’s extraordinary when you can get a youth excited about something, and they’re excited about this,` said Hanft.
Other residents spoke out, listing the numerous positive benefits of having an indoor facility. In a climate where it snows for much of the year and it’s cold and rainy, one resident noted that an indoor facility would allow people to participate in sports year-round.
When it came time to vote on the resolution, it was met with very little opposition, although three board members questioned the construction materials of the facility and its location.
`I think this proposal is something that we really have to look at very carefully,` said councilwoman Liz Orzel-Kasper.
She said that while she thinks it’s `wonderful` that the soccer and lacrosse clubs of Niskayuna have come together to plan this and `are willing to put heart and soul and money into this,` she has her reservations about its location.
`The resolution doesn’t say exactly where it’s going to be; it doesn’t say we’re going to give field one to the soccer complex. These two groups have really put a lot of effort in and I think they wanted to know how we felt,` said Kasper.
Overall, she noted that she thinks this is a good idea.
`After this winter, which is never going to be spring, we can’t even get outside, so we’re going to make it happen ` I am certainly on the bandwagon to make it happen,` said Kasper.
Councilwoman Maria Freund said that she doesn’t think anyone can deny that this is a great idea, but she has reservations over the location of Field One, which is located in the Soccer Complex on Balltown Road, and the materials that might be used for the building.
`I don’t like the idea of a steel building. I go by Afrim’s and it is awful,` said Fruend. However, she said that she hopes that the town can come up with something that will work, and that she thinks it’s an `excellent idea.`
`I’m just not in favor of the location or the steel building,` said Fruend.
Councilwoman Julie McDonnell, head of the Education, Parks and Recreation Committee, offered her support.
`I am very pleased to sponsor this resolution tonight that promises a project that will serve as many as 500 children in Niskayuna,` said McDonnell.
`With the Closing of Center City as an indoor recreation space, parents have had to travel to other towns and pay inflated fees for their children to play these sports,` said McDonnell.
She said that she believes that it’s the town’s responsibility to provide an indoor recreational facility, but `with the current financial climate and our concern for property taxes,` it’s not possible at this time.
Check back at and print editions of Schenectady County Spotlights for updates on this story.